Each person's healing journey is entirely personal and Dr Donna aims to provide an integrative and personalised approach to medical care, honouring that good health comes from healing your immune system, your nutrition, your stress response and your identity.

This is whole person medicine. The aim is to empower patients with the understanding and knowledge of the root cause of their health issues and provide a personalised ‘prescription’ of interventions that facilitates an individual's return to wellness.

As a highly experienced medical doctor, Dr Donna aims to teach her patients what their symptoms represent, by working with them: gathering information and organising that information meaningfully. Arranging and analysing blood tests or other investigations as necessary, initiating an agreed treatment plan and then tracking progress.

There are some illnesses for which there is no cure but healing is always possible.

To quote Dr Donna "I know the value of having a care provider whom I can trust and who actively listens to and acknowledges the things that are important to me. I aim to provide the care for you that I would want for myself, my own family, and my friends. I am, above all, caring. I want YOU to be in charge of your health and I will work with you and help you reach your health goals."

For further information, please see Dr Donna's website www.drdonna.co.uk

PLEASE NOTE - A private GP service is not a substitute or replacement for times when people need immediate or emergency care. Please use the appropriate care provider service (GP/111 in hours or 111/walk-in centre for out-of-hours minor/non-life threatening conditions or 999/AE if a serious accident or life-threatening emergency e.g. chest pain/severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding).

Regretfully, due to CQC restrictions Dr Donna is unable to see patients under the age of 18 years here at The Broad Street Practice

Dr Donna Hutchinson


The Broad Street Practice

20/21 Broad Street,
Stamford, Lincolnshire

01780 480889


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